Estero Blvd - Segment 2 Details

Segment 2: Lovers Lane to Strandview Ave

Within Segment 2, roadway improvements will include a center turn lane, bicycle lanes in each direction and sidewalks on both sides of the road. Trolley stops will incorporate travel lane shifts that will allow vehicles to pass stopped trolleys. In these areas, there will not be a center turn lane. The reconstructed Estero Boulevard in this section provides:

  • 10-foot travel lanes in each direction
  • 5-foot designated bicycle lanes in each direction
  • 6-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the road
  • Green spaces that separate the roadway from the sidewalk
  • Trolley stops

Segment 2 - Lovers Lane To Strandview Avenue100%

sanitary sewer force main

water main *

storm drainage



* Water main construction is handled by the Town of Fort Myers Beach with the reFRESH Fort Myers Beach Waterlines Project and progress may be completed prior to the reFRESH Estero Boulevard Project segment beginning.

Progress Status: Complete

Construction for the sanitary sewer force main installation within Segment 2 began in September 2016. In April 2017, roadway improvements began from Lovers Lane to Strandview Avenue. Below is a rendering of the new Estero Boulevard from Lovers Lane to Strandview Avenue along with a diagram of the new road and sidewalk layout. In addition, you can view the roll plot for this segment. 


Roll Plot

Click here for a larger view of the Segment 2 Roll Plot.


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