You will receive advance written notification (via notices or door hangers) of planned water shut-offs that will be delivered to your residence or business. Immediately following the water shut-off, you will be advised to boil your water until bacteriological tests have been taken and cleared. This boil water period can last from three to seven days. You will also receive written water rescission notices (via notices or door hangers) that will inform you when the water is safe to drink. This website will include current information for
boil water/water shut-off information.
Although you will receive notification about planned water shut-offs, you may also experience unplanned water shut-offs in which you will not have received a notice. Please keep in mind, portions of the existing water system dates back to the 1950s. Old water lines can be damaged or disintegrate unexpectedly during construction. Some existing valves in the water system do not function properly and can be problematic in the case of a water main break. An expanded area of the water system may have to be shut down to make the repair. In this case, we have an emergency plan in place to notify you and work to restore service as soon as possible.
You may want to keep bottled water on hand for planned and emergency water shut-offs.